CFS article on Excercise

Friday, October 8, 2010
Here is an interesting article on exercise with CFS patients.Well worth the read!

If you don't want to read it all I'll sum up:

~Listen to your body! You know when too much is too much!
~The body has two energy systems. Rather like a hybrid car. The car has an electric motor (anaerobic system) and a fuel motor (aerobic system).
The anaerobic system runs for two minutes, before the aerobic system fires up. The anaerobic system is the bit we need to operate within as CFS patients. Our aerobic system doesn't work well. I have personally thought of it as 'adrenalin is bad', but this 'aerobic system not working' really makes sense.
~Monitoring heart-rate is a way to stay below the Anaerobic Threshold (AT).

Personally, this makes sense of why I go so well with pilates or slow walking, but any sweating activity is too much.

Anyone know where to get a heart-rate monitor?

~Stretchy Princess xx

Rose: my pilates class is awesome. Enables me to do excercise & get stronger without reaching the AT without even knowing it! =)


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