Kindergarten email addresses

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
As part of my FINAL SEMESTER (just a little bit excited, sorry) at uni I'm doing a research project. So I have spent the last few weeks hunting down the email addresses of Melbourne Kindergartens (to invite them to participate in my online survey).

Can I suggest that this is perhaps the most frustrating thing I have done in my whole uni course? So many Kindergartens don't have email addresses. I have been trawling individual council sites which invariably have every other detail! Plus, I know they all have government provided addresses! So the address is there - I just can't find it!


Anyway, rant over. If you're a Kindergarten teacher in Melbourne who would like to be involved in a short research project about refugee children in your centre please post below. Or, if you'd like a copy of my final report or list of resources for Kindergarten teachers with refugee children in their centre please also post. Ta muchly!
What's irritating you at the moment?


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