Primary Teacher Blogs

Thursday, March 24, 2011
I've found a lot of fantastic blogs about early learning activities recently. (See 'Children's stuff blogs' in sidebar). But this semester I'm doing teaching rounds in a Yr 1/2 classroom. So I've been looking for some Australian blogs written by teachers in early primary. I haven't found many, but here's a couple.

Nina's Arena

Excuse me, Mrs C

Some class blogs:

A Prep class in Sydney: Clever Cookies

A great yr 2 team teaching classroom blog: (best class blog I've found)
        Grade 1/2 at the same school
        A grade 2
        And another grade 2

A grade 3 class in WA

Another Grade 3

Here's a 5/6 classroom: Allstars

And another 5/6: Adventures with Miss B

A grade 5: Mr Austin's blog

Another grade 5: The Skinny

Here's a blog about a school's gardens & sustainability work

In terms of resources there are:

The rather hideously coloured K-3 Teacher Resources

 Know any other blogs written by teachers, classes or have lots of lesson plan ideas??


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