More Spoons please!

Thursday, September 30, 2010
I've been meaning to write about my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E. But what to say? It's been an 11 year journey for me. Filled with lots of ups, downs and couches. Several important lessons learnt (what's important in life? What does a true friend look like?) but also many many tears.

Honestly, the best way to describe it is with the Spoon Theory. Take a minute to check it out. (Then come back! ;)

Seriously, if you're sufferer of a long-term illness, do yourself a favour & check out the whole website here. The author, Christine, is also on twitter.

If you're not a sufferer check out the spoon theory. It's so brilliantly written & has given the Prince & I a new language to describe how I'm doing. Today I have a few spoons, probably enough if I space them out.

I'm a spoonie!
Anyway, I know this is quite rambly and brainfoggy, but that's the CFS way, and if there's anything I've learnt from CBT (more about that later) it's if something is worth doing, it's worth doing badly! ;)

~Princess CJ xx


Farmweld said...

Good on ya for posting about your CFS journey. Please know you're not alone, there are many of us lurking in the shadows! I'm in the Adelaide Hills. That spoon theory is great I've used it a few times as well. By the way you dont have a 'follow' button, any reason why?

Stretchy Princess said...

re: follow button:

I don't know how! I'm new at this whole thing.

I will look into it =)

Thx 4 your encouragement. Sometimes I hate living in the shadows, but you're right, there are many of us...

Stretchy Princess said...

fixed! (I think)

Let me know if you have any problems

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