I first fell in love with
Zoe Foster over at
Mamamia. I fell in love with her b/f Hamish Blake listening Hamish and Andy (sadly now only on Fridays *sniff*). Anyway, Zoe's a makeup guru & has a
new book out which I am ashamed to say I haven't read yet. But I have reserved it at the library & I shall be the library's copies' first reader! I think it'll be a keeper though, and I'll be buying my own soon. But for now I have to content myself with watching videos, like the one here.
Wide - awake eyesBrilliant for the spoonie I feel! How to look better than you feel!
I dragged my younger sister all around the shops on Monday looking for under eye concealer. With no success I'm afraid. I fell in love with one that was $75, and I'm afraid I'm not willing to spend that. :o( (I could, after all, buy two of
ZOE'S BOOK for that!)
Right, now I'm off to ebay cosmetics...
~Stretchy P. xxx